Admin Section
The office Superintendent coordinates the overall office network. It coordinates between various sections of the office, preparing agenda for Board meetings, preparation of Electoral rolls and coordinating various other National level programs
Receipt & Dispatch Section
It deals with all the Correspondence/ Communications after making entries with particulars of subject.
Store Section
Store section play a vital role in the functioning of the organization. All departments are in the direct contact with the stores for their smooth functioning. It deals with receiving of material and recording of receipts, issue of storage items to the departments, arranging inspection and proper storage and preservation of receipts and preparation of various reports.
Land Section
It deals with transfer of house, lease, NOC of House Selling Permission, etc.
Following preliminary documents to be submitted for transfer of various type of house property.
1. Property transfer by way of Registered Purchase Sale Deed
a. Attested copy of Registered Purchase Sale Deed with Original Index-I & II.
b. Current Property Extract.
c. Form ‘A’ available in this office.
d. Application of Individual.
e. Sr. Revenues Clerk’s NOC regarding payment of taxes.
f. Mutation Fee
g. Registration Fee as applicable
2. Property transfer by way of Partition Deed / Will Deed.
a. Attested copy of Partition Deed / Will Deed with Original Index-I & II.
b. Current Property Extract.
c. Form ‘B’ available in this office.
d. Application of Individual.
e. SRC’s NOC regarding payment of taxes.
f. Photo Affidavit of Individual made before Executive Magistrate,Ahmednagar.
g. Mutation Fee
3. Property transfer by way of Heir ship.
a. Death Certificate of Property holder and other individuals if any.
b. Photo Affidavit of legal heirs made before Executive Magistrate,Ahmednagar.
c. Form ‘C’ available in this office.
d. SRC’s NOC regarding payment of taxes.
e. Application of Individual.
f. Consent Affidavit of legal heirs who is willing to transfer his / her share to another one.
g. Mutation Fee
4. NOC of House Selling Permission.
a. Application signature of all present owners with current property extract.
b. SRC’s NOC regarding payment of taxes.
c. Application of Individual.
d. House selling permission fee
e. Site inspection report fee.