Is the hospital open for general public?

Cantonment General Hospital is open to all general public.

How to get Birth/Death certificate?

Birth and Death certificate can be obtained from the Birth and Death department applying through application form.

How long does it take to get Birth / Death Certificate?

It generally takes 4 to 7 working days.

How to apply for Mutations?

Application for Mutation has to be submitted on the prescribed Application Form to the Cantonment Board Office. The prescribed application form can be obtained from the Cantonment Board Office/ Website’s Download section.

How to apply for Building Plan Application?

Application for Building Plan has to be submitted on the prescribed Application Form to the Cantonment Board Office. The prescribed application form can be obtained from the Cantonment Board Office.

To whom should the citizen approach for any grievances?

  1. E-mail id – ahmedngrcantt[at]gmail[dot]com
  2. Samadhan Helpline - 1800 313 7073
  3. You can meet Chief Executive Officer, Ahmednagar Cantonment Board During office working hours

How to book the Community hall of Ahmednagar Cantonment Board?

Application for booking have to be submit in the revenue section of the Cantonment Board.